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Space Availability - Kingston Library

First select a start time. You will then be able to modify the end time in the drop-down below the grid.

Please visit the library's front desk to check-in and be taken to the room at the time of your booking.

This room is available Monday to Friday from 8am to 4PM (with 3 to 3:30 being the last bookable timeslot).

This space is only to be used for interviews, it is not a place to relax. Course exams, tests, and quizzes can be done in the campus Test Centre.

  • Please do not consume food in this room, a water bottle is fine.
  • Please do not wear any body sprays, perfume, or cologne. There are many staff and students with sensitivities and allergies to smells.
  • This is a single occupancy room, only for one student. Please book a group study room if you are looking for space for multiple people.
  • Maximum time allowed is 1-hour. If you need a room for longer than one hour, please seek an alternate space.
  • The room is not soundproof, please bring or ask for a headset. Confidential interviews should not be taken in this space.
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable