Bookable Spaces on Campus

Brockville Library Cornwall Library Kingston Library


If you require a space for longer than two hours and/or for more people, please visit the Innovation Hub website and book one of their spaces .

Davies Hall and the Lower Concourse rooms in Kingston continue to be booked on the old website .

Booking a Space

  1. After selecting a space from the list on the left, select a timeslot.
    •  ✓ Blue  squares are available.
    •  ✘ Grey  squares are unavailable.
  2. Once a timeslot is chosen, the booking will be highlighted in  mustard yellow .
  3. Use the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page to change the end time for the booking. You can book up to 2 hours per day in one booking. Then click on  Continue  below it.
  4. Bookings will be held for 5 minutes. Please read the Terms and Conditions and hit  Continue  again.
  5. Student information will be automatically populated, the last step is to hit  Submit my Booking  .
  6. A confirmation email will be sent right away, as well as a reminder email 2 hours before the booking starts.

If you are unable to keep your booking, please cancel it with the link provided in your email(s) or contact the library.

Checking In and Out

Any group member can check-in to the room, please forward your email to your group members. Groups can check-in to their rooms up to 15 minutes in advance but cannot enter the room until the previous group has left or unless it is already empty.

If someone does not check-in to a booked room within 15 minutes of the reservation starting, that booking is cancelled.

The check-in code is included with both the confirmation and reminder emails.

Link to check in and out:

Room Policies

  • These rooms are for use by students who are studying only.
    • Faculty looking for rooms, please see "Other Spaces".
    • Students looking for spaces to practice or perform presentations, or for events or contests, please see "Other Spaces".
  • Maximum of 8 students per room.
  • Maximum of 2 hours (120 minutes) per student, per day.
    • If the room is not in use within 15 minutes of the booking starting, the booking will be canceled.
  • Personal items should not be left unattended in these rooms as staff are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  • Food and drinks are allowed.
    • Students are expected to dispose of all garbage and leave rooms clean for others. 
  • Repeated misuse and/or failure to follow the direction of college staff may result in suspension of booking privileges and/or referral to the Student Code of Conduct.